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  • Writer's pictureHalle Haas

Kansans declare issues of Education and Environment to be at the forefront of the Governor Race

Results of a recent public opinion poll reveal the issues that Kansans are most concerned about during this election. When respondents were asked "which issue they felt should be front and center of this election", the majority of people responded that the environment is the most important issue, followed closely by education.

Crime and healthcare, although issues all of the candidates have been vocal about, seem to weigh little in the minds of voters. So what does this mean for the candidates?

If they do not already have a solid issue platform concerning environment and education, that should be their primary focus in the week's leading up to the election.

Although education received a slightly smaller percentage, poll results show that it plays a big role in voters minds. When given the statement, "I want the next Governor to focus on strengthening public schools", a whopping 83% of respondents agreed. When then asked to rate Kansas public schools, respondents weighed in with 50% answering "good" and 50% answering "fair". It is important to note that no respondent rated Kansas public schools as excellent, showing that there is definitely room for improvement.

Mrs. Southwick and Senator Uriarte's campaigns continue to support the right to choose the type of education you want for your children. In his last debate, Senator Uriarte went so far as to say that "when it comes to schools, competition drives excellence". By supporting tax credit programs, both Sunflower Party candidates agree that parents should be able to determine the learning environment best suited for their children's needs.

While Uriarte and Southwick appear to agree on the best education policies for the future of Kansas, their environmental policies seem to clash. Mrs. Southwick has publicly stated that climate change was caused by humans, and has introduced a plan to provide incentives to farmers who adopt more environmentally friendly practices. Senator Uriarte, however, continues to brush off the subject of climate change, still unable to definitelvy say that he believes it was caused by human practices.

Senator Uriarte's vague stance on the issue of climate change is evident when reviewing his issue platforms. His campaign website merely says, "We [Uriarte's campaign] seek to establish a Kansas friendly approach to the natural wonders of our State". This statement appears to leave us with more questions than answers regarding what Senator Uriarte's stance on the environment, the issue Kansan's believe should be front and center in this election, is.

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